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  • How my brother gained 1200+ Followers in 14 days (without experience)

How my brother gained 1200+ Followers in 14 days (without experience)

Gift: FREE 50+ Viral Threads template inside!

A few weeks ago my brother came to me and asked me about Online Writing.

“How do you do that?”

“What is a Thread?”

“How do grow your following?”

My brother spent the last 10 years in academia (finished with a PhD in Data Science) and decided then to step into the online world and try out this “writing thing”.

Only Problem:

He didn’t know how to start.

So I explained everything:

  • How to write engaging hooks that trigger emotions within the reader

  • How to find viral topics to write about

  • How to optimize your profile to get more follower conversions

  • …. (later more on that)

14 days later?

My brother gained 1200+ followers in less than 14 days! He is now at 1700+ followers total.

without any previous experience!

Take a look:

Here’s his profile in case you’re interested: https://www.threads.net/@husseinnaji_

And here are the exact steps we took to get him there:

1. Created a Winning Profile

People struggle to grow because their profiles aren’t set up correctly.

So we created everything: 

  • A bio and Picture to CLAIM his authority

  • The pinned tweet to PROVE his authority

  • The profile link to CONVERT his authority

Just by optimizing this, you get 10-15% more follower conversions (without changing anything else).

So, yes - optimizing your Threads profile is VERY important (if you want to grow quickly 🙂).

2. Replace academic writing with online writing

My brother spent 10 years in the academic world - while that’s great for credibility, it’s less good for viral online writing. 

Academic writing is complicated, emotionless, and boring.

But online writing should be simple, trigger emotions, and be exciting to read. 

The #1 Rule of Writing Online is simple:

The one who manages to hold the attention of the reader the longest gets the most followers, engagement, and sales.

Attention is the ultimate currency in the online world.

Your ability to create a following on any platform is based on capturing, holding, and converting attention.

And attention is triggered by producing an emotion within the reader.

I also wrote a Guide on the best 14 writing tips I used to get to 22k+ Followers. if you’re interested in becoming a better online writer, you can take a look here: https://heythems-newsletter-b81b4es.beehiiv.com/p/my-14-secret-writing-rules-that-got-me-6-3-million-views-in-30-days

3. Use proven Viral hooks

Virality is not luck. It’s research

I saved 100s of hooks that already went viral on Threads - once I shared with him the hooks he should use, the engagement on his posts exploded. 

Now, this doesn't mean you should copy others' content. It should inspire you. A content creator doesn't create something out of nowhere. They consume, reframe, and build upon what they are consuming. All the creators you see online do that.

So if you haven’t yet, start now to save the viral posts you come across!

4. High-Value Content

Most content on Threads is fluff, dull, and useless. 

We focused on writing posts that:

  • show his expertise (PhD in Data Science)

  • his personal transformations (weight loss)

  • provide a ton of value for his audience (scientific lifestyle tips)

People started to thank him in the comments and share his posts.

And if you don’t have any expertise yet but still want to produce high value content?

The #1 Rule is: The higher-quality content you consume, the higher the quality your Threads will be.

That means you should:

  • Save your favorite posts on Threads/X/Instagram

  • Subscribe to a blog/newsletter in your niche

  • Watch Viral videos on YouTube in your niche

  • Read high-performing articles on Medium

  • Read the best book summaries on Blinkist

  • Read upvoted answers on Quora

  • Listen to podcasts in your niche

  • Read books in your niche

Repurpose, reframe, and add to it. That's how creation works. If you do that, you'll create high-value content that people actually want to read.

5. Engagement Group

I created an Engagement Group of driven Thriends ;) who are serious about growing on the platform.

We like, comment, and share each other's content. 

Every big creator you know is in one (or more) group chats specifically designed to help them grow faster.

I am too.

I have 2 groups of Thread Masterminds where we help each other grow by Reposting our best-performing posts. This is a game changer (believe me).

Whenever one of us writes a long form or thread (usually about 3-4x/week), we all Repost the post to help it spread.

So if you aren’t in one yet - CREATE ONE

6. Focus on Long-Form Threads

Long-form threads make you grow quickly.

Because, unlike short-form posts, they require much more time investment from your audience. And the more attention and time investment the reader gives you the more likely they are to follow you.

Plus they also show your expertise and authority around the topic - if your Thread is well thought-out and performs well, you will gain the trust of the readers.

So if you can capture and keep people’s attention throughout the whole Thread, then:

  • They will trust you

  • They will remember you

  • And they will follow you

My brother grew by 100s of Followers over night just by posting one long-form Thread.

aaand that was it. That’s how my brother grew and keeps growing his audience. It’s easy once you understand the mechanics behind it.

Any questions left regarding "Threads Growth”? Reply to this E-Mail and I get back to you!

and also have a BIG Announcement:

I’m launching a course specifically designed to make ANYBODY grow their audience on threads by the 1000s. 

In the Course you’ll find:

  • the exact strategies on how I managed to gain 8000+ new followers, 6 Million+ Views, 100k+ likes, 10k+ Reposts, 1000+ comments in less than 30 days (all without spending no more than 30 minutes/day on Threads, and only posting 2x per day)

  • The Viral short-from Threads Guide: A list of 100s of Example Short-Form Threads that went viral (you can literally "steal" the structure of the Thread and adjust it to your own niche), The exact strategy on how I write engaging short-form Thread, The Thread Structure Types that perform best on Threads (one-liners, list format, 2x3s, repetitions and many more)

  • The Viral Long-form Threads Guide: 100s of Examples of Long-Form Threads that went viral that you can replicate depending on your niche, my exact strategy on how I find viral Thread topics to write about, my method of writing long-form Threads that result in virality (My clients get 1000s of Followers overnight just by replicating one of those Threads. So imagine the results you’ll have if you recreate all of them - sky is the limit.)


  • The Rules of Viral Online Writing

  • content boosts to get your content distributed fast

  • 50+ viral hook templates to make viral writing even easier

  • How to set up a winning profile that converts into followers

  • being part of an engagement group where we share each other’s content

And the best thing? if you’re part of my newsletter you’re a priority. Reply with “Threads” to this E-Mail to get a 35% discount on the course once it’s published!

Talk soon,


P.S.: below you can find your gift: