How 1 Thread got me 2000+ Followers over night

steal my exact strategy

As many of you know - I’ve been very high on the Threads train.

On Threads I gained 8000+ followers last month - as a contrast - I’ve been on Twitter for 10 months and I’m at 3400 Followers total.

That’s not bad or anything - just shows how much growth opportunity Threads has right now.

Especially for Beginners! I see people regularly jump from 0 —> 1000 Followers within just a few weeks.

But here’s the thing…

More and more people are “waking up” the goldmine that is Threads.

And soon it will be as saturated as Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and other platforms...

Meaning it will be MUCH harder to grow. So it's absolutely crucial for you to act fast.

But the million-dollar question is: How to grow on Threads???

Even though Threads is a goldmine, I see many people posting into the void. And that’s because they don’t know how Threads work.

Luckily I’ve written 1000s os posts on threads and know what works.

And the #1 Reason for my growth is:

I invested in writing Long-Form Threads.

Long-form threads make you grow fast.

Because, unlike short-form posts, they require much more time investment from your audience. And the more attention and time investment the reader gives you the more likely they will follow you.

Plus, they also show your expertise and authority around the topic—if your Thread is well thought out and performs well, you will gain the trust of the readers.

So if you can capture and keep people’s attention throughout the whole Thread, then:

  • They will trust you

  • They will remember you

  • And they will follow you

So today I want to show you the Thread that got me 2000+ Followers overnight and also tell you WHY (so you can replicate and do the same for your brand).

Here’s the post:




  • 2000+ new followers gained

This Thread took me 60 minutes to write. 1 hour of work to gain an additional 2000+ followers. crazy right?

Let’s break it down…

Why did it go viral? Of course, the body of the Thread is important but in the end, it all comes down to the hook.

The hook is the most important part of your Thread.

Your body & call to action can be as good as they want, if your hook is bad, people won’t bother to open the Thread.

The harsh reality is:

The hook will decide whether you go viral or flop. If your first 2 sentences don’t make your readers curious - you lost them.

So how do you create an irresistible hook?

A great hook is one that captures attention.

And attention is triggered by producing an emotion & curiosity within the reader.

Here’s how:

1. Show Credibility

“I studied Psychology”

I often start my Threads by showing my credibility.

  • Do you have a degree?

  • Do you have any relevant working experience?

  • Have you grown a following on another platform?

  • You gained X followers in a certain amount of days?

    List anything that makes you credible - trust me, the Threads algorithm will reward you.

I studied Psychology. And I gained 8000+ Followers within a month. Of course, I'm going to mention that!

2. Trigger an emotion

“I hate to break it to you” - is a provocative statement.

And when it comes to writing - good writing really only comes down to creating an emotion within the reader - doesn’t matter whether positive or negative!

So, use strong emotional words within your hook.

You have to use strong words. Strong negative words work well because our brain has a negativity bias.

They trigger a reaction in the reader.

Our brains are drawn to negativity. So you can use negative words to make a point that would actually benefit the reader if they implemented what you say.


  • Unpopular Opinion

  • I don’t know who needs to hear this but…

  • Reasons you’re unhappy:

  • Hard Pill To Swallow:

  • Uncomfortable Truth:

3. Controversial one-liner statement

“The more you take care of your body the healthier your mind will be”

And why did I use this one-liner? Because I knew this post will split the crowd.

How did I know? Because I had the date from one of my old short-form posts:

This post went viral. So I knew if I use a similar line in my hook people will respond to it. Now - don’t be controversial just for the sake of being controversial.

Be honest - share the things you truly believe in. You need to speak your truth to create a loyal following and trust within your audience.

And your deepest truths can be controversial. There's a great quote that holds true here: "He who dares not to offend cannot be honest."

You'll always offend some people. And the hate can be loud at times.

But at the same time, you'll have those people who respect you and trust you more because you shared your truth. People sense that.

4. Call To action

Once you showed your credibility, triggered an emotion, and sparked controversy the reader is so curious and so tempted to open the whole Thread, EVEN if they don’t want to!

Trust me this also happens to me. So in the last sentence, it’s now actually enough just to say: “Here’s how”

People will open and discuss the Thread inside. Some will love it, some will hate it. But in my experience, it’s exactly those Threads that perform best.

That’s it for today…..hope you found it valuable… Any questions left regarding Viral Writing? Reply to this E-Mail and I get back to yoU!

and btw…

I’m launching my first ever course - THE VIRAL THREADS COURSE!

In there you’ll find:

  • the exact strategies on how I managed to gain 8000+ new followers, 6 Million+ Views, 100k+ likes, 10k+ Reposts, 1000+ comments in less than 30 days (all without spending no more than 30 minutes/day on Threads, and only posting 2x per day)

  • The Viral short-from Threads Guide: A list of 100s of Example Short-Form Threads that went viral (you can literally "steal" the structure of the Thread and adjust it to your own niche), The exact strategy on how I write engaging short-form Thread, The Thread Structure Types that perform best on Threads (one-liners, list format, 2x3s, repetitions and many more)

  • The Viral Long-form Threads Guide: 100s of Examples of Long-Form Threads that went viral that you can replicate depending on your niche, my exact strategy on how I find viral Thread topics to write about, my method of writing long-form Threads that result in virality (My clients get 1000s of Followers overnight just by replicating one of those Threads. So imagine the results you’ll have if you recreate all of them - sky is the limit.)


  • The Rules of Viral Online Writing

  • content boosts to get your content distributed fast

  • 50+ viral hook templates to make viral writing even easier

  • How to set up a winning profile that converts into followers

  • being part of an engagement group where we share each other’s content

And the best thing? if you’re part of my newsletter you’re priority. Reply with “Threads” to this E-Mail to get a 35% discount on the course once it’s published!

Talk soon,
