I gained 9000+ new Followers in 30 days on Threads

here's how you can too (even if you're a complete beginner)

I started as a writer on X (formerly Twitter) 9 months ago.

I’m now at 3200 Followers.

And in the last month alone I gained 9000 Followers on Threads. (I’m now at 21K followers total).

Not kidding.

Here are the Metrics:

The last month on Threads I got:

• 5 Million Views


300+ New E-Mail Subscribers! (Hiii if you’re new here<3).

Crossposting on Threads was the best decision I ever made. Needless to say - Threads is a goldmine.

And what’s even crazier?

I can make other people go viral now too lol.

My brother just started posting on Threads 2 days ago, without any prior writing experience on socials!

After I reposted his Thread he got:





with a new account! He only had 30 Followers when I did this.

(and he is not the only one. I’m making my clients go viral constantly with content shredding and Reposts on this platform)

I’m getting my clients 1000s of Followers within a month - something that gets more and more difficult to do on X.

But how am I gaining this virality?

I thought about this a lot and I came to the conclusion that it all comes down to 4 Steps:

1. I study Hooks

I have a notion template where I save great hooks I come across. Now I have over 1000 Hooks saved.

The more you study hooks the easier it gets to write viral posts.

Whenever I have a topic I want to write about I scroll in my notion to look for a fitting hook for this piece - it makes my job to create viral posts on repeat so much easier.

So if you don’t have a place where you save viral hooks you come across - create one ASAP.

2. I Speak my Truth

Most content on socials is broad, generic and repetitive. Once you speak your truth you stand out. Problem?

Most people don't do it because they're afraid of hate.

I get many hateful comments under my posts but I don't care because I'm committed to sharing what I truly believe in.

Here’s an example:






Crazy right? You get rewarded by expressing what you truly believe in.

3. I cut down my writing by 20%

By far the best writing advice I ever received.

In your final edit, ask yourself: "how can I cut down my word count by 20% without changing the meaning of what I'm saying?"

It makes your writing clear, precise, and powerful. It’s the #1 way to transform your writing from boring and average to high-quality and exciting.

And trust me - there's ALWAYS a way to shorten your writing. Look closer :)

4. I constantly find viral Long-Form topics

Here is how I never run out of new Topics:

  1. Turn high-performing short-form posts into long-form threads

  2. Write about famous figures or popular creators in your space

  3. “Steal” viral topics on Medium, Quora, Blinkist & Youtube

  4. Show personal transformation

  5. Controversial Topics

If you focus on creating pieces around those 5 pillars and combine them with great hooks - there’s no way it won’t perform well.

That’s it! But that’s not everything….

I will take on 5 people who are serious about Threads Growth and help you get 100s or even 1000s of followers in the next 30 days.

(plus tons of email subscribers, Dm’s flooding in, sales for your services, etc,…)


  • I share with you my hooks, templates, and writing strategies

  • I do content shreddings where I’ll teach you exactly how to become a top-notch writer within the next 30 days.

  • Weekly 1-hour Mentoring calls where we discuss strategy, content and growth, client acquisition, etc…

  • 24/7 Private DM access where you can ask me questions, edits, reviews, etc,…

Plus some free Bonuses…

  • I Repost your Content so you get Viral repeatedly (1 client gained 500 new followers within 24 hours after I did this for him)

  • Profile Optimization - I teach you how to set up a profile that converts viewers to followers

  • Topic research - I'll find you viral topics, provide you with a skeleton, so all you need to do is to fill it out and give it to me for edits.

So after 30 days of mentoring, you’ll:

  • have 100s or even 1000s NEW engaged followers

  • know the exact strategy on how to grow your audience to 10k and beyond

  • become a top-notch writer that stands out from the rest

  • get high-paying clients for your services

    And the best thing?

I’m offering this service to a 50% discount to my newsletter subscribers. But only to the first 5 people who join.

Afterward it will be double 🙂 . Just because I know the insane value this mentoring will provide for you.

My goal is for you to look back at this investment and say: “I can’t believe how cheap it was. I got 10x my investment back”

Are you Interested?

Dm me “Viral” and I get back to you.

P.s.: only apply if you’re serious. I might be offering this as a discount but I only take on people who are serious about getting crazy results in the next 30 days.

Talk soon,
