Does Male Privilege Exist?

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.”

“Male privilege” is a statement that gets thrown around a lot nowadays. It’s something that most of the public agrees exists. I did even at some point.

Male Privilege Doesn't Exist: A circle graoh show that 99.9% of men are not privileged and that 0.1% of men are privileged.

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But like Mark Twain said: “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.”

And I did pause. I did reflect. And I came to the conclusion that Male Privilege is a myth.

It’s easy to blame everything on men – everybody will agree with you. Somehow, it became trendy to blame men for our society’s problems – You won’t get much pushback.

But if you actually reflect, you’ll see that the majority of men are not privileged. That doesn’t mean men are less privileged than women. It means both genders face their own set of issues. And we shouldn’t make it a competition on who suffers more.

99.9% of Men Are Not Privileged.

How many men have all the money, power, women, attention, status, and good jobs? The number is so small. 99.9% of men are not privileged.

It’s fascinating how we began to point out the white men to say he’s privileged. We’re segregating by race and by gender – isn’t that exactly what we don’t want?

Nobody is privileged in all regards in life. While men enjoy some advantages when it comes to feeling safe, for example, they don’t have the pleasure of being loved unconditionally. Only women and kids are loved without providing. Men will always be judged on what they can provide.

Most Men Have Hard Jobs

The majority of men struggle with money and work hard jobs to take care of their families. The hard labor takes a big toll on their health. The early mornings, the late working days, the heavy lifting of the blue collars – these are hard jobs that mostly men do.

The Reality is most men are out there working all day. Most Men have hard lives full of anxiety and pressure to provide for their families.

Most Men Don’t Have Power

When we think of who rules this world, we think of the white rich men. But they don’t represent society. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are not representative of the average male.

The average man doesn’t have much say. He follows orders, does as he’s told, and works for a paycheck.

Look at all the truck drivers, the garbage men, the farmers, the blue collars – they don’t have power.

A small minority of men have the power, and a huge majority of men don’t have any say.

If you look at the social structure as a pyramid, you’ll see that men make up the very top of society and the very bottom of society.

Most Men Struggle To Attract A Women

A small minority of men get all the women, and the majority of men get none.

Men need to pursue women, and women are the ones in the position to choose. That means that most women will have options. The options for men, though, are limited.

As a man, if you don’t have status, charisma, confidence, and good looks, your ability to find a woman is very limited.

So again, here, men are not privileged.

Why Do We Think Men Are Privileged?

So why do we think then that men are more privileged?

The Western world looks at social media as all these rich white men who are abusing their power. You see all these men surrounded by money, women, and luxury.

But they don’t represent the average male.

When you get off the internet and look at Reality, you see that most men are doing hard work for little money. That most men don’t have much power. That most men struggle to find a woman. That most men are lonely. That most men are low in the hierarchy.

The truck drivers, the road workers, the policemen, the bricklayers, the gardeners… Almost everything you see around you is made by unprivileged, hard-working males.

Does Male Privilege Exist – Final Words

Blaming everything on men is easy. But actually reflecting and looking at Reality is hard. Men are not privileged. They don’t have it easy. Most men struggle with money, don’t have much power, and have the constant pressure of performing and providing.

If you live in Western society, you might be able to blind yourself by not looking much outside. But go travel to other parts of the world, and you’ll see that men are doing great service. Men have hard lives and do hard jobs and do not have many privileges.

Male Privilege doesn’t exist. And when I say that, I’m not directing that toward women. I mean society.