Announcement: I'm opening my community

Free access forever until 3rd of September

A shift happened happened within me in the last weeks.

The past year I spent my time growing people’s brands through my writing.

I’ve been also teaching people how to become a Ghostwriter (which has been very rewarding).

But something big was missing.

Psychology is my passion and I wanted to find a way to provide help on a larger scale.

So I asked myself:

  • Who could I help most?

  • With what could I help people most?

  • What are my biggest lessons in the last years?

I looked at the problems I solved for myself in recent years.

So I wrote the ebook and opened the community I wish would’ve excited for me 6 years ago.

I’m 26 now.

But when I was 20 I was in a much worse place.

These 2 pictures are 6 years apart:

On the left:

I’m 20 years old hanging out in some dude’s garage smoking cigarettes and talking about things we want to do but never do.

On the the right:

I’m 26 years old, a purposeful business owner competing in Brazilian JiuJitsu tournaments overcoming my fear of physical confrontation.

I managed to turn my life around.

I felt lonely, had no purpose and didn’t know where I was going. Now I’m living with drive, meaning and direction

So how did I get there?

  • I traveled to 40+ countries

  • Pursued a Psychology degree.

  • Spent 6 years and 1000s of $ on education, courses, and mentors to learn the lessons I will present to in the community and the ebook.

And I want to give you a clear path on how to make the most out of your 20s WITHOUT needing to spend that money.

So today you have the chance to join a community of driven people in their 20s who want to build a meaningful life, form deep connections and find a life path fitting to them.

Over the next 6-12 month we'll help you:

💪🏽 become more confident and resilient

💼 find a career path with meaning and purpose

🎯 stop feeling lost and confused about your future

🌍 learn how to live an exciting and adventurous life

🫡 learn how to become respected everywhere you go

🫂 build healthy and meaningful life-long friendships/relationships

Inside the community, you find:

✅ Weekly recorded LIVE-Workshops on how to make the most out of your 20s ($749 Value)

✅ Weekly Q&A Calls to get personalized answers to your questions ($598 Value)

✅ A supportive community to build life-long friendships (priceless)

✅ 1 Mastermind Guest every Month ($379)

🎁 1:1 onboarding call ($125 value)

🎁 24/7 DM access to me to get private mentoring ($299 Value)

Total Value: $2150. Now $0.

Free forever until 03.09.2024. Afterward USD49/month for new members to join.

However, there’s one catch:

I’m only gonna take those into the community who are serious about making the most out of their 20s.

Please only apply if you’re serious - it will be completely free and you’ll never need to pay to be part of this community while the entry price will steadily increase for new members to join.

Requirements to become one of the Founding members:

  • You join all the Q&As and Workshops (or at least watch the recordings)

  • You are active in the community (comment, like and interact)

  • After 30 days you write a testimonial on what changed in your life since being part of this community.

Free until 03.09.2024. Afterward, it will be USD 49/Month for new members to join.

I will release the community to the public tomorrow.

Here’s your link:

P.s.: Here you can have early access on my FREE ebook on how to make the most out of your 20s: