6 Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Any Followers on Threads

and it's NOT because of the algorithm

There’s a reason why you can’t grow an audience.

And no, it’s not because of the algorithm.

If you’re not growing on Threads, you need to change something. The platform is still young, so it'll never be as easy as now.

I grew my Threads audience from 45 to 2200 followers in 29 days, spending only 1 hour a day on the app. That's 29 hours in total.

And everyone can do that. You just need to be aware of the mistakes you make.

So here are the 6 Most Common Reasons why your Threads audience isn’t growing:

1. You’re Not Engaging With Others

Comment like a Mfckr.

If you want engagement, you need to engage with others. It’s a SOCIAL Media Platform. Treat it also as such.

Make it a point to comment on others' posts 20-30 times a day (More if you want).

And please don't write things like:

"Thank you, great advice, love it, etc...)." Always add to the conversation. Share a story, give your own insight, your unique take on it.

Some of my comments get over 100 likes. That way, I got followers without even creating Threads myself.

And the best thing:

Now, I can use my best-performing comments and make my own Thread out of them.

So don't be lazy about that. Engage, be active, and take your time when commenting.

2. Your Profile Is Not Professional

It’s simple:

If you have a selfie as a profile picture, don’t expect people to follow you.

If your Bio is boring and fluff, don’t expect people to follow you.

If you don’t have an intriguing pinned Thread, don’t expect people to follow you.

Why Your Profile Is Important

The first thing people see is your picture and bio.

And you want people to click follow when they see your profile.

Focus on This:

Your Profile Picture should be clear and eye-catching. You should look like somebody who's trying to grow their Thread audience.

Your Bio should show that you are a credible source, somebody who’s on a mission, somebody who’s excited to be here, somebody who has something valuable to share.

Your Pinned Post should show you’re serious about Threads. An introduction to you, a product you sell, a service you offer, etc…

3. You Don’t Know How To Capture Attention

Attention is the new currency.

Your ability to create a following on any platform is based on capturing, holding, and converting attention.

And you get attention by producing an emotion within the reader. You write to build a connection.

So learn how to use hooks, enhance readability, and keep people interested in your content.

If you’re just writing out your thoughts, no matter how good, you won’t attract people to your content.

4. You Have Poor Readability

The very first step for impactful Threads is readability.

If people have to think too much while reading your stuff, they'll scroll past it.

Here are some Tips:

• Space out your sentences (press "enter" after 1-2 sentences).

• Be mindful of how your Thread looks — does it guide the reader? Is there rhythm and intention behind how it’s written?

• Keep sentences as short and impactful as you can — remove all unnecessary filler words!

• If you can't keep them short, use dashes "—" and parenthesis so their attention doesn't get tired

• Use bullet points, lists, and other methods that imply that something comes next

Just by doing this, you’ll have so much more engagement on your content.

5. You’re Not Consuming Good Content

If You Want to Create More, You Need to Consume More.

And with consuming, I mean researching.

That means you should:

• Subscribe to a blog/newsletter in your niche

• Watch videos on YouTube

• Read books in your niche

• Listen to podcasts

And if you want validated content ideas — follow the people who have put in the time and effort to refine their ideas (and have results to show for it).

I use TweetHunter and Blinkist to find new content ideas.

You must consume content relevant to what you want to discuss. The higher-quality content you consume, the higher the quality of your Threads will be.

6. You Are Not Trustworthy

People follow people with strong opinions. People who have the courage to share their deepest Truth.

If you post to be liked, never disagree, and you’re never controversial or edgy, you can’t be trusted.

People follow those who are honest. Those who are deep thinkers. Those who stand true to who they are.

So don’t be afraid to share your deepest Truth. The most personal truth is the most relatable.

And people follow people they can relate to. Not somebody who is sharing some fluff, generic quotes.

Be deep, be personal, be courageous.

Final Words

Growing your audience on Social Media is not as hard as you think.

But it requires work. It requires inner exploration. And it requires mastering the art of capturing attention.

I'm 100% convinced that everybody can grow an audience. We just need to know how.

I wrote a complete FREE E-Book on how to grow an audience on Threads. Feel free to check it out.

And if you’re interested in personalized 1-1 coaching, reach out at [email protected].

I’ll help you find your niche, edit your content, improve your writing, and grow your audience faster.